Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ron Paul For President

Less than one year from now, voting Americans will be faced with an important choice. The future of the nation is dependent upon it. Four more years of the current administration could be catastrophic, and I say that with all sincerity. One way or another, the federal government has to be restrained. The freedoms and prosperity we've grown accustomed to could permanently become a thing of the past if we don't take a stand against increasing debt and quasi-socialism.

Competent leadership is needed now more than ever, but we have to choose the alternative wisely. We can't base our affinity for any one candidate on charisma alone. Ethics and consistency are infinitely more important at this juncture, but the liberal media refuses to promote such things for some reason. The status quo is fine by them, as long as there's someone in the White House who shares the same opinions on social issues.

Ron Paul has long been considered a quirky politician on the fringe, but his staunch views on life and liberty have never changed. While other candidates are desperately pandering for votes, he remains steadfast. Sadly, this makes him unelectable. The media sees no reason to give him any real credibility, despite his growing popularity.

Controversial views aside, Ron Paul knows how to save our country from accelerated entropy more than anyone else running. Left unchecked, the bloated bureaucracy will continue to grow like a virus. Forty cents of every dollar will continue to be borrowed from communist nations like China. The welfare state's stranglehold on an already stagnant economy could result in a full blown depression, especially with a foreign policy that spreads our military too thin. His plan could potentially reverse this downward spiral within a few years, but real change is needed sooner rather than later.

Independent thinkers should be able to comprehend why this man deserves a chance to lead us out of this rut. He pledged to take no more than $39,366 per year in order to match the median income of the working population. His grassroots campaign has not accepted donations from corporations like the others. Unlike most politicians, he cannot be bought.

If you're still unsure about him, consider the following...