Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Media Continues to Ignore Mounting Evidence of Voter Fraud

With plenty of anecdotal evidence to back up his claims, WorldNetDaily's Editor-in-Chief Joseph Farah is convinced that something shady and underhanded contributed to the outcome of the election last week. Prefacing his article with a vow of impartiality, Farah presented information from all of the reliable sources he came across.

It should be noted that none of these reports originated from the liberal-leaning broadcast media however, who have openly celebrated Obama's "decisive victory" -- as if they don't care how it could've happened. They are just glad that it did. 
If anyone has a balanced approach to the realities of political life in America, it’s me. I’ve looked at life from both sides. I know the arguments of the other side and can still spout them before most of today’s practitioners of so-called 'progressive' thought can. I also know that the reigning ethos of this movement represented so ably today by Obama is this... 'by any means necessary'... What it means, in short, is that the ends justify the means.
 Voter turnout was thought to have been considerably down this year, but some counties in key swing states like Colorado, Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio recorded numbers that far exceeded what was expected. In St. Lucie County of Florida for instance, there was a 141 percent turnout. That means almost 72,000 provisional ballots were cast by unregistered or ineligible voters. Coincidentally, this county included Rep. Allen West's district as well -- where a recount has been conducted.

There were many more statistical anomalies in urban areas, where the president won nearly 100 percent of the vote or more in some cases. Obama miraculously won every single vote in all 21 districts of Cleveland, and somehow came away with 108 percent of registered voters in Wood County nearby.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that in the city of Philadelphia, Gov. Romney did not garner a single vote from its 59 voting divisions. Obama also received more than 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio on election day. In fact, there were a substantial number of precincts where Romney got exactly zero votes. So how in the world did this happen? Third world dictators don’t even get 99% of the vote.

The Election Protection Coalition fielded over 70,000 complaint calls last Tuesday alone, but little could be done to fix the litany of problems across the country. Touch screens weren't calibrated correctly, Obama banners were spotted on the walls of polling places, and instances of voter intimidation was reported. While volunteers from the Tea-Party backed True the Vote group were illegally banned for quite some time in Ohio, the Black Panthers were seemingly allowed to intimidate voters at the polls in Pennsylvania.

For all the concerns voiced by the Left and echoed in the media pre-election about potential voter intimidation, voter suppression and disenfranchisement, it is unfortunate that no one in the traditional press has cared enough to address voting problems that plagued the military vote. A plane full of their absentee ballots crashed weeks before the election, and repeated requests to rectify problems in getting ballots to and from troops stations overseas were ignored by Attorney General Eric Holder.

President Obama won election handily and its very unlikely that real instances of voter fraud and voting irregularities tipped the balance, but with that being said, the complacency of the media in this regard is troubling to say the least. The watchdog of government corruption continues to represent itself as more of a lapdog, which is a disservice to every American who legitimately cast a ballot, not to mention America's heroes in uniform who were unable to do so.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Making A Case For Conservatism

Mr. Cool 
Mr. Competent
More than any other demographic, the last election was decided by the youth. With the mainstream media on his side, Obama secured the vast majority of voters under thirty. After successfully pandering his way to the oval office with an onslaught of viral marketing, he's raised more than enough money to do the same thing again. The same enthusiasm that existed back then will be harder to manufacture this time around, but that doesn't change the distinct advantage the incumbent has over any candidate who dares to face him this Fall. A sizable portion of the population is still taken by his effortless charisma. The challenge we face as conservative patriots is to expose the glaring faults of this administration before it's too late. 

The unemployment rate has steadily risen over the last three and a half years, especially for twenty-somethings. What would appear to be the most impressionable voting bloc is in dire need of real hope and change, not just more empty campaign promises. Fifty-seven percent of them are either unemployed or underemployed. Eighty-five percent of the most recent group of college graduates are moving back in with their parents. The statistics are readily accessible, but the criticism isn't as prevalent as it should be. The media spin blames Bush for starting the recession. Obama was just dealt a bad hand they say, making no mention of what has prolonged the stagnation.

The constant indoctrination of radio, television and film has resulted in millions more democrats than there should be. Minorities in urban environments are almost required to vote this way. They'll be shunned by friends and family for having a different opinion. Overly altruistic blue state politicians, also known as bleeding heart liberals, love to say that they champion the cause of the poor. Excuse the expression, but there's no such thing as a free lunch. Safety nets exist for a reason, but we must help these people help themselves in the long run. 

Consider the following...

The ten poorest cities in America have something in common, they've tended to vote democratically in every single local election for decades. The statistics speak for themselves.

         City, State                        Below Poverty Level          Last Republican Mayor 
1. Detroit, MI
 32.5%                            1951
2. Buffalo, NY
 29.9%                            1954
3. Cincinnati, OH
              27.8%                            1984              
4. Cleveland, OH
  27.0%                            1989  
5. Miami, FL
       26.9%                            Never     
6. St. Louis, MO
26.8%                           1949
7. El Paso, TX
   26.4%                           Never 
8. Milwaukee, WI
26.2%                           1908
9. Philadelphia, PA
25.1%                           1952
10. Newark, NJ
24.2%                           1907

Favorite Political Quotations

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
-Benjamin Franklin

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
-Thomas Jefferson

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." 
-Abraham Lincoln

"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
-John F. Kennedy

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

-Ronald Reagan 

Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think.
-Ayn Rand

If I wanted America to fail... I would never teach children that the free market is the only force in human history to uplift the poor, establish the middle class, and create lasting prosperity.
 Instead, I’d demonize prosperity itself so they will not miss what they will never have. If I wanted America to fail... I suppose I wouldn't change a thing. 
-Ryan Houck
What a bunch of garbage, liberal democrats and conservative republicans. It's all there to control you, two sides of the same coin! Two management teams, bidding for control of the CEO job of Slavery Incorporated! The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies. I'm sick of it, and I'm not gonna take a bite out of it! Do ya got me? Resistance is not futile, we're gonna win this thing, humankind is too good, we're not a bunch of underachievers, we're gonna stand up and we're gonna be human beings! We're gonna get fired up about the real things, the things that matter like creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit!  
-Alex Jones

Friday, April 27, 2012

God Bless America

         As citizens of the United States, we need to be reminded just how lucky we are compared to the rest of the world. It may seem like our elected officials are leading us down a path of accelerated entropy, but there is much to be thankful for. I'm not advocating an 'ignorance is bliss' lifestyle, but perspective is one of the key components of contentment.

        Despite the recession, the American Dream is still alive and well. At least that's what over a million immigrants seem to think each year, even after going through the rigorous process that precedes legal citizenship . Millions more around the globe can only dream they had the same freedoms we take for granted.

        In the HBO documentary Citizen USA, filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi (Nancy's daughter) travels to all fifty states in order to gain some insight into this ongoing phenomenon. We're initially introduced to her Dutch-born husband, who didn't want to be a foreigner in his own family when their son was born. After passing the civics test, he takes an oath to prove his loyalty with hundreds of others. Claiming to be transformed afterwards, Pelosi decides to embark on a journey to see why so many people are willing to start over here.

       Through short interviews with brand new citizens, viewers are reminded what patriotism is all about. Coincidentally, the film was released in the first week of July last year. This overt nationalism exists for good reason however, having more to do with relief than pride. There is more social mobility, cultural diversity, gender equality, and religious tolerance here than anywhere else.

       Naturalized teenage girls from China spoke of their ability to surf the web freely. Men from Jordan were appreciative of the more "hands off" approach the police take here in comparison to what they're used to. A gentleman from Afghanistan enjoyed holding his girlfriend's hand in public without being scrutinized by onlookers. A Korean woman was thankful for the loans she received, and another woman from Thailand was impressed with the responsiveness of 911 emergency personnel. Others mentioned the importance of their newly found freedom of choice, and didn't quite understand what all the constant complaining is about.

        In what is essentially a fluff piece, there are brief moments that make it worth watching. Former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger discuss their meteoric rise through the political ranks, despite their emigration from Europe. Where else but America could this be possible?

And May God Continue To Bless It! 


Failures of the Obama Administration

            Over five trillion dollars and counting, that’s how much debt the federal government has racked up since Jan. 20, 2009. More than any other administration in history, and the term isn’t over yet. Obama's predecessor increased the deficit by $4.89 trillion, but that was spread out over an eight year span to be fair. Bush continues to be blamed for the dire economic situation that persists, while multiple policies and investments have failed to make a positive impact.
Despite everything, the overly sympathetic media wants everyone to give the first black president the benefit of the doubt. It seems as if they’ve gone out of their way to ignore any mistakes and criticize all detractors in hypocritical fashion. Cries of racism are commonplace when ideological arguments break down. We're being lied to, but the truth is right in front of us.
The junior senator from Illinois who campaigned in fifty-seven states on a platform of ‘hope’ and ‘change’ appears to have no intention of trying to reverse the downward spiral. His outlandish budget proposal was completely dismissed by the House of Representatives. Four hundred-fourteen politicians were in agreement for once, but there was hardly a mention of it in the news. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on the other hand was demonized for suggesting necessary cuts to entitlement programs. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The high unemployment rate, rising gas prices, widespread foreclosures, and the prevalence of food stamp reliance are the result of ill-advised stimulus packages, bailouts, and a foreign policy that continues to police the world without assistance. Funding unsuccessful solar energy companies like Solyndra was a drop in the bucket by comparison. What should've been a disastrous blow wasn't much of an embarrassment at all. The spotlight shined brighter on the slip-ups of GOP candidates instead.

If the countless debates were any indication, socialized medicine could prove to be one of the most contentious issues of the Fall. Supporters fought tooth and nail to pass the legislation. They were ultimately successful, but the most oppressive aspects of the bill won't go into effect until after the election. A massive bureaucracy will then be put in charge of health care. Individual liberties may then be increasingly put at risk, and the Constitution will be interpreted more freely (i.e. ignored) than ever before. Time Magazine seems to think it's a dated document with no modern relevance anyway.
 In a conversation with outgoing Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, Obama was overheard saying that he would have “more flexibility after the election in November.” Context has since been provided, but the statement remains ominous. The risk of offending over half of the voting population won’t be a problem anymore. An incumbent victory could result in a full-fledged socialist assault on capitalistic enterprises.
The long road to recovery could finally begin with a change in leadership, but the mainstream media won't admit to that. No matter what happens, they'll stand by their man. They've proven just how deep their allegiance lies.