Friday, April 27, 2012

Failures of the Obama Administration

            Over five trillion dollars and counting, that’s how much debt the federal government has racked up since Jan. 20, 2009. More than any other administration in history, and the term isn’t over yet. Obama's predecessor increased the deficit by $4.89 trillion, but that was spread out over an eight year span to be fair. Bush continues to be blamed for the dire economic situation that persists, while multiple policies and investments have failed to make a positive impact.
Despite everything, the overly sympathetic media wants everyone to give the first black president the benefit of the doubt. It seems as if they’ve gone out of their way to ignore any mistakes and criticize all detractors in hypocritical fashion. Cries of racism are commonplace when ideological arguments break down. We're being lied to, but the truth is right in front of us.
The junior senator from Illinois who campaigned in fifty-seven states on a platform of ‘hope’ and ‘change’ appears to have no intention of trying to reverse the downward spiral. His outlandish budget proposal was completely dismissed by the House of Representatives. Four hundred-fourteen politicians were in agreement for once, but there was hardly a mention of it in the news. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on the other hand was demonized for suggesting necessary cuts to entitlement programs. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The high unemployment rate, rising gas prices, widespread foreclosures, and the prevalence of food stamp reliance are the result of ill-advised stimulus packages, bailouts, and a foreign policy that continues to police the world without assistance. Funding unsuccessful solar energy companies like Solyndra was a drop in the bucket by comparison. What should've been a disastrous blow wasn't much of an embarrassment at all. The spotlight shined brighter on the slip-ups of GOP candidates instead.

If the countless debates were any indication, socialized medicine could prove to be one of the most contentious issues of the Fall. Supporters fought tooth and nail to pass the legislation. They were ultimately successful, but the most oppressive aspects of the bill won't go into effect until after the election. A massive bureaucracy will then be put in charge of health care. Individual liberties may then be increasingly put at risk, and the Constitution will be interpreted more freely (i.e. ignored) than ever before. Time Magazine seems to think it's a dated document with no modern relevance anyway.
 In a conversation with outgoing Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, Obama was overheard saying that he would have “more flexibility after the election in November.” Context has since been provided, but the statement remains ominous. The risk of offending over half of the voting population won’t be a problem anymore. An incumbent victory could result in a full-fledged socialist assault on capitalistic enterprises.
The long road to recovery could finally begin with a change in leadership, but the mainstream media won't admit to that. No matter what happens, they'll stand by their man. They've proven just how deep their allegiance lies.